Goal Setting

Travis Vanderberg
January 11, 2023
Goal Setting

It’s time to take action!

Having goals or benchmarks you want to hit are important. It’s the end point on the map. Without it, we don’t have any direction.

Goals should be specific (“I want to be able to deadlift my body weight.”)

Goals should have a timeline (“I want to lose 5% body fat in 90 days.”)

“Lose weight” and “get stronger” are moving in the right direction, but they lack specifics and a time frame.

If you’re like me, “I want to be able to do double unders and not feel like someone is holding a blow torch to my lungs”; well, that’s neither specific nor has a timeline. I should know better!


Your goal may be to be more consistent in the gym (“Exercise at least 3x/wk for 6 months”)

The point. We want to know! If we don’t know where you want to go, we can’t help you nearly as well as we can.


Let’s get your first “member check in” of 2023 on the books. It’s free, and it’s 15-20 minutes for you to sit down and discuss what you want to accomplish in regards to your health and fitness; and it’s our time to listen and talk about ways we can help make your time with us more successful. We’re including a complimentary Inbody scan ($20 value) to anyone that shows to these “check ins”.  The scan will give you great objective information about where you are and is a measuring stick for progress.

Let’s go!

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